Nov 9, 2023

Wix Dropshipping: How To Start A Successful Store In 2024


n the digital era, where nearly everyone is shopping online, Wix has emerged as one of the best platforms for building your online store. And you don't need a ton of money to start an online business either, since dropshipping on Wix is a quick and simple option. Dropshipping—a business model that allows you to sell products without holding any inventory— has become increasingly popular, thanks to the face that you can set up a store without a large financial or time investment.

With Wix dropshipping, you're not just building a store; you're crafting an e-commerce experience. You're finding a way to connect your customers with the products they want, while turning a profit in the meantime. Plus, by building your dropshipping store on Wix, you'll be using one of the most established platforms on the market. Wix is easy to use, full of features, and will enable you to build, launch, and grow your online store faster than a lot of the alternatives.

By now, you likely already know what dropshipping is, and why it's one of the best business models for beginners. So, the primary focus of this article will be on exploring why Wix is a good CMS (content management system) for dropshipping stores, and going through the steps of setting your store up for success.

We'll be covering what truly matters — designing your store, curating quality products, marketing your products, and building a brand that resonates with your audience. Whether you’re an e-commerce rookie or an expert looking to pivot your existing online store to a more streamlined model, dropshipping on Wix could be your ticket to success. Let's dive in.

Why Use Wix For Dropshipping?

The world has no shortage of website-building platforms. There's WordPress, Shopify, Wix, Magento, Joomla, Squarespace, and countless more. But, not all of them are ideal for starting an e-commerce business. Online stores need payment processor integrations, eCommerce themes, cart & checkout functionality, and more. But, contrary to popular belief, you don't need to use Shopify or WordPress like everyone else.

Wix is quickly becoming a stellar choice for dropshipping ventures, thanks to its user-centric design and robust e-commerce capabilities. The company has been around since 2006, so you don't have to worry about it disappearing any time soon.

Wix isn't just a platform for building websites; it's a comprehensive solution that supports the complexities of online selling — particularly dropshipping — where flexibility and efficiency are paramount.

Here are the reasons why Wix stands out for dropshipping:

  • User-Friendly Design: With Wix, you don't need to be a web developer to build a site. The platform's intuitive drag-and-drop interface ensures that setting up your Wix dropshipping store is straightforward, allowing you to focus on sales and growth rather than code and development.
  • Customizable Templates: Wix offers a wide array of customizable templates tailored to e-commerce. This variety ensures that you can find a design that resonates with your brand and appeals to your target audience, setting the foundation for a memorable online shopping experience.
  • Integrated Functionality: Beyond aesthetics, Wix has a lot of third-party apps in its ecosystem, from marketing tools to payment processors. These apps can fill all of the gaps that Wix's native features can't fill, allowing you to run your store how you want to. No custom solutions are required.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, Wix is equipped to scale with you. Upgrading your plan or adding more functionalities is as simple as a few clicks, ensuring that your platform's capabilities match your store's expanding needs.
  • Market Position: When comparing Wix with other e-commerce platforms, it holds its ground as a formidable option. For a more detailed comparison, our article Shopify vs Wix goes a bit further in depth on why Wix may be the best choice for your dropshipping business.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: For many, the financial aspect of starting a business can be daunting. Wix dropshipping offers a cost-effective route into e-commerce, without going broke. The platform's pricing tiers are designed to accommodate the budget constraints of new entrepreneurs without compromising on quality and functionality.

With its comprehensive set of tools, Wix is not just a Shopify alternative but often the preferred choice for many dropshippers. It's an established platform that understands the entrepreneur's journey and offers a suite of tools designed to make that journey successful.

Setting Up Your Wix Account

Starting your Wix dropshipping venture starts with opening a Wix account—the portal to your new digital storefront. This process pretty straightforward, but we'll walk you through it so that you don't waste any time.

Step-by-Step Guide on Creating a Wix Account

  1. Visit Wix: Start by visiting the Wix website. You can sign up with Google or Facebook, which will shave some minutes off your set up.
  2. Select Your Business Type: Once you're logged in, you'll be dropped into the "My Sites" section. Next, you need to click "Create A Site" and then select "Online Store" for the site you're looking to create.
  3. Answer Guided Questions: Wix’s setup wizard will ask a series of questions to better understand your business goals. This helps Wix customize your dashboard and suggest relevant tools for dropshipping on Wix.
  4. Install Your Domain Name: You don't have to do this immediately, but you'll eventually want to choose and install a domain name for your website. Wix will provide you with a free domain for the first year but just know that it's a bit pricey to renew it for year 2 compared to Namecheap. But, don't worry about year 2 yet. Focus on making year 1 a bit success.

Choosing the Right Wix Plan for Dropshipping

You can begin setting up your Wix dropshipping store without ever choosing a plan. But, it doesn't hurt to familiarize yourself with the options. For a simple Wix dropshipping store, you should be able to get by on the Core plan. Wix limits some of the features you'll have access to, but you can get around this in most cases.

Familiarize Yourself With The Wix Dashboard

  • Install Tracking Code: The sooner you get Google Analytics 4 set up, the better. Same with your Facebook Pixel. Even if you don't plan on using Facebook ads in your marketing strategy, it's still beneficial to build your Facebok marketing audiences.
  • Organize Your Workspace: Customize your dashboard by organizing your workspace. Keep the most frequently used features and tools within easy reach for efficiency.

By following these steps, you can create a Wix account that is optimized for dropshipping. The right plan and a customized dashboard set the stage for a Wix store that not only looks professional but also runs smoothly. There's a lot of stuff to learn, but that's normal. A few weeks in, and you'll feel like a pro.

Choose A Wix Dropshipping App (Or Two)

In order to start dropshipping on Wix, you'll need to select a dropshipping partner to work with. Fortunately, you don't need to commit to any one app, and you can use multiple or change your selection whenever you'd like.

As of November 2023, Wix has integrations with 25 dropshipping apps to choose from. You'll notice that DropCommerce, our company, is listed among them. You don't have to use DropCommerce, but you should certainly consider it. For the sake of an example we'll walk you through the set-up process with DropCommerce.

Overview of How Dropshipping Works with Wix

Dropshipping on Wix is designed to be straightforward. By integrating a dropshipping app, you can easily import products into your store, set prices, and manage sales without ever touching the inventory.

Apps like DropCommerce streamline the process by allowing you to import products to your store with 2 clicks, synchronize inventory between you and the supplier (so you never sell products that are out-of-stock), and automatically send your orders to the suppliers for fulfillment.

Exploring the Benefits of DropCommerce

We've built DropCommerce to be simple, user-friendly, and affordable. Our customers get access to all of the features that make their lives easier:

  • Quality and Reliability: DropCommerce partners exclusively with US and Canadian suppliers, ensuring that your store benefits from high-quality products and fast shipping times.
  • Seamless Integration: The app integrates effortlessly with Wix, making the process of adding products to your store and managing orders simple and efficient.
  • Communication: You can communicate with suppliers directly through the app's inbox feature.
  • Branded Invoicing: You can request that your supplier sends an invoice branded with your logo and information, allowing you to maintain a cohesive brand image.
  • Customer Satisfaction: With reliable suppliers and faster shipping times, you're more likely to have satisfied customers, which can lead to repeat business and better reviews.

5 Steps To Use DropCommerce For Wix Dropshipping

  1. Find DropCommerce in the Wix App Market: Search for DropCommerce in the Wix App Market and add it to your site. (App link here)
  2. Set Up Your Account: Create your DropCommerce account, taking care to note the regions you'll be serving. You don't need to add a credit card until you want to start processing orders.
  3. Choose Products: Browse through the extensive catalog of products from US and Canadian suppliers and select items that align with your niche and brand values.
  4. Import to Your Store: Use DropCommerce to import your chosen products directly into your Wix store with all the necessary details like descriptions and images.
  5. Customize Product Details: Edit product descriptions (if desired), set your prices, and ensure that all product imagery aligns with your store’s branding. Make it cohesive, so that you feel confident in your store's appearance.

Integrating DropCommerce into your Wix site is a great move for those who prioritize product quality and shipping speed in their Wix dropshipping business. DropCommerce eliminates many common hurdles associated with global shipping and varying product quality, giving you a leg up over many of your competitors.

Curating Your Product Selection for Dropshipping on Wix

Selecting products is one of the most important tasks for any dropshipping business. The items you choose to sell on your Wix store can make or break your business. For those venturing into dropshipping on Wix, here’s how to approach adding products to your store strategically:

Research Products and Selecting a Niche

Begin with in-depth market research to find profitable niches and products that are in demand. Use tools like Google Trends, social media insights, and competitor analysis to understand what consumers are looking for. Find some stores who cater to the same customers you want to serve, and think of what else they might want.

When selecting a niche:

  • Look for Passionate Audiences: Products that cater to enthusiasts or specific hobbies often have a built-in market.
  • Solve a Problem: Items that address a common problem or improve the customer's daily life can be particularly compelling.
  • Stay Trend Aware: Keeping an eye on important dropshipping trends can give you an edge in choosing products that are gaining popularity.

The Process of Adding Products via DropCommerce

Once you've honed in on your niche, adding products to your Wix store through DropCommerce is simple:

  1. Select Products With Confidence: With DropCommerce’s focus on North American suppliers, you can trust the quality and authenticity of the products you add to your store.
  2. Import with Ease: Utilize DropCommerce's intuitive interface to import products directly into your Wix store, complete with high-resolution images and detailed descriptions.
  3. Adjust Pricing: Set your prices, ensuring you account for your costs and desired profit margin.

Tips for Product Descriptions and Photography

The way you present your products can greatly influence sales. Enhance your product listings by:

  • Writing Descriptive Titles: Create clear and descriptive product titles that include key search terms related to the product.
  • Crafting Compelling Descriptions: Write engaging and informative product descriptions that highlight benefits and features, and if applicable, include the story behind the product.
  • Showcasing High-Quality Images: Use high-quality images to show your products in the best light. Consider image optimization techniques to ensure fast loading times without compromising on quality. We've covered how you can use new computer software for these tasks in our guide on dropshipping with AI.
  • Adding Social Proof: Whenever possible, include customer reviews and ratings to build trust and provide validation for potential buyers.

By carefully selecting and presenting your products, you set the foundation for a successful dropshipping on Wix venture.  Your store becomes a curated marketplace that not only attracts customers but also provides them with a shopping experience that encourages repeat purchases.

Designing Your Wix Store for Maximum Impact

Now that you have a Wix store and products, it's time to bring the vision of your online store to life.

This is the time to think about your brand, your image, and the reputation you would like to create. When designing your Wix dropshipping store you'll want to think about your customer's expectations, the designs of your competitors, and what would feel authentic to your vision.

The Importance of Design and User Experience

In the realm of online shopping, your website's design is the first impression customers have of your brand. A well-designed Wix store should:

  • Reflect Your Brand: Use colors, fonts, imagery, and a logo that resonate with your brand's identity. You can pair our guide on ChatGPT for dropshipping with Canva to get it all done efficiently.
  • Be Intuitive: Navigation should be straightforward, leading customers naturally from the homepage to checkout.
  • Load Quickly: Optimize images and design elements to ensure fast loading times, which are critical for keeping potential customers engaged. Run your site on GTMetrix to ensure that you get an A or better.

Selecting the Appropriate Wix Template for a Dropshipping Store

One of the benefits of using Wix for dropshipping is that there's a diverse selection of templates specifically crafted for e-commerce. To select the right one for dropshipping:

  • Focus on E-commerce Features: Look for templates designed with online stores in mind, featuring product galleries, featured items, and easy-to-use shopping carts.
  • Consider Layout: Templates with clean layouts and strategic placement of call-to-action buttons tend to perform better in terms of user experience.
  • Responsiveness: With mobile commerce on the rise, choose a template that is responsive across all devices.

Customizing the Template to Fit Your Brand Identity

Once you’ve selected a template, customizing it to match your brand is key:

  • Customize Colors and Fonts: Tailor the color scheme and typography to align with your brand’s style and tone. ChatGPT can suggest color schemes and fonts for your desired brand image.
  • Personalize Images: Replace generic template images with your own high-quality product photos or relevant graphics.
  • Adjust Layouts: Modify the layout to put your products and brand story front and center.

By focusing on a design that emphasizes brand identity, ease of use, and speed, you can create a Wix store that not only looks professional but is also aligned with the best practices of Wix dropshipping. This careful attention to detail in design will pave the way for a customer experience that's as seamless as it is memorable.

Setting Up Payments (& The Other Boring Stuff)

A smooth checkout process is essential in converting sales and building trust with your customers. When setting up your Wix dropshipping store, you need to ensure that your payment and shipping configurations are foolproof. Here's what you need to consider:

Configuring Payment Gateways

Selecting and setting up the right payment gateways is vital for a Wix dropshipping store. Your chosen payment method should offer security, convenience, and a range of options to meet customer preferences. To configure payment gateways:

  • Offer Multiple Payment Options: In addition to the baseline Wix payment processor, consider adding Paypal as an option. Many users prefer paying with Paypal when shopping from a new store they haven't heard of before.
  • Ensure Security: Use gateways that are known for their strong security measures to protect customer information and to build trust.
  • Consider Fees: Be aware of the transaction fees associated with each payment gateway and how they might affect your pricing and margins.

Setting Up Your Shipping Policy

Shipping is a crucial aspect of the dropshipping model. To ensure customer satisfaction, you need to set clear expectations about shipping times and costs. For Wix dropshipping:

  • Align Shipping Policies: Make sure your shipping policies match those of your dropshipping suppliers, and what they're able to deliver on. Either align your policy with your slowest supplier, or cut them to increase the overall speed.
  • Set Realistic Expectations: Clearly communicate shipping times and any potential delays on your product pages and at checkout. It's often best to include a vague statement like "Shipping times may be delayed due to international issues or other factors beyond our control".
  • Offer Tracking: Whenever possible, provide tracking information to customers so they can follow their order's journey.

Setting Up The Terms, Privacy Policy, and Tax Collection

Automating the calculation of taxes and handling charges can save you a significant amount of time and help avoid errors. With Wix, you can:

  • Use Automation Tools: Utilize Wix’s built-in tools to automatically calculate the appropriate taxes for each order based on the customer’s location.
  • Factor in Handling Costs: Include any handling fees or additional costs upfront to prevent surprises for your customers and to ensure you’re covering your costs.

You'll also need to set up a Terms and Conditions policy, a Refund policy, and a Privacy policy. Luckily, these don't need to be perfect, and you can have ChatGPT draft you one, or you can just use the template that Wix provides.

By diligently setting up your payment and shipping configurations, you can create a checkout experience that complements the ease and efficiency of Wix dropshipping. This attention to detail not only improves customer satisfaction but also streamlines your operations, setting you up for long-term success.

Marketing Your Wix Dropshipping Business

Marketing strategies for Wix Dropshipping

Marketing is the fuel that powers the engine of your Wix dropshipping store. It's how you attract eyes to your site and convert them into loyal customers. With the right strategies, you can create a buzz, drive sales, and grow your brand.

Leveraging the Power of Social Media

Social media platforms offer a goldmine of marketing opportunities for Wix dropshippers. Here's how to make the most of them:

  • Facebook Ads: With its vast user base, Facebook provides a platform for targeted ads that can reach your specific audience. Create compelling ads with high-quality visuals and engaging copy that leads customers to your Wix store.
  • TikTok Organic Content: TikTok’s algorithm favors creative, organic content that can go viral. Use this to your advantage by creating engaging and shareable content that highlights your products in action.
  • Social Media Shoutouts: Partner with influencers and get shoutouts for your products. This taps into the influencer's followers and lends credibility to your brand.

Deploying Effective Marketing Strategies

Your marketing strategy should be as dynamic as the dropshipping industry itself. Incorporate a mix of tried-and-tested methods along with innovative techniques:

  • SEO Best Practices: Optimize your Wix store for search engines to improve your organic reach. Use keywords effectively, create quality content, and ensure your website has all the SEO fundamentals in place.
  • Email Campaigns: Utilize Wix's email marketing tools to keep in touch with your customers. Send out newsletters, product updates, and personalized offers to encourage repeat business. At the end of the day, emails will likely drive 40-60% of your sales.
  • Leverage Analytics: Make data-driven decisions by analyzing which marketing strategies are working best for you. Adjust your efforts based on this feedback to maximize ROI.

For a deep dive into effective tactics, check out these proven dropshipping marketing strategies that can help skyrocket your business.

By developing a robust marketing plan that combines both organic and paid strategies, you can increase visibility and drive traffic to your Wix dropshipping store. Remember, marketing is not a one-off task but a continuous process that grows and evolves with your business.

Wrapping Up — It's Time To Get Started

Starting a Wix dropshipping can be both thrilling and rewarding. With Wix's robust platform and the comprehensive steps outlined in this guide, you're well-equipped to launch and build your e-commerce dream.

Remember, the beauty of dropshipping on Wix is in its simplicity and efficiency, allowing you to curate a store that's not only visually appealing but also customer-centric.

As you gear up to select products that will define your brand, consider checking out DropCommerce. It's a treasure trove with over 20,000 products from reliable North American suppliers, ensuring quality and fast shipping that your customers will love.

Plus, with DropCommerce, it's free to get started, making it easier than ever before to start dropshipping on Wix.

Lastly, Wix dropshipping isn't just about starting a store; it's about creating an experience, building a brand, and connecting with customers. With the right tools you can ensure that your venture isn't just a fleeting endeavor but a lasting e-commerce success story. So, take that first step, keep refining your approach, and watch as your dropshipping business flourishes.

Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Wix good for dropshipping?

Yes, Wix is an excellent platform for dropshipping, especially for entrepreneurs looking to create a visually appealing online store without the need for extensive technical know-how.

Wix offers a user-friendly interface, a wide range of customizable templates, and integrates with various dropshipping apps to streamline operations. Its features cater to businesses of all sizes, making it a flexible choice for starting a dropshipping business.

Can you automate dropshipping on Wix?

Absolutely, Wix dropshipping allows for a high degree of automation in managing your dropshipping store. With apps like DropCommerce, you can enjoy automated fulfillment processes, where orders are sent directly to the supplier for shipping. Other tasks such as inventory management, price updates, and tracking information can also be automated, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Should I sell on Shopify or Wix?

Choosing between Shopify or Wix for dropshipping depends on your specific needs. Shopify is a powerhouse for e-commerce with extensive tools and apps specifically tailored for online sales, while Wix is more design-centric and user-friendly, ideal for those prioritizing ease of use and aesthetics. Compare the features, pricing, and design flexibility of both to decide which aligns best with your business goals.

Can I dropship on Wix for free?

Wix allows you to build your online store for free, but to actually start dropshipping, you'll need to subscribe to one of their premium plans. The free plan doesn't support online payments, which are essential for dropshipping. You'll also need to consider the cost of any dropshipping apps or services you intend to use. If you're looking for a bit more control over your fees, consider WooCommerce dropshipping instead.

Can I move from Shopify to Wix?

Yes, you can transition your online store from Shopify to Wix. Wix provides tools and support to help you migrate your products, content, and design elements. However, it's essential to plan this move carefully to ensure a smooth transition, keeping in mind the differences in platform functionalities and the need to recreate certain elements native to Shopify.

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Written By:
Zennen Leggett

Zennen Leggett has been working with DropCommerce for years, and has generated over millions of impressions through his articles. When he isn’t writing about dropshipping, he is likely building Facebook ad campaigns for DTC brands while sipping an ice latte. You can learn more about him on

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