Sep 8, 2023

The 6 Best Shopify Alternatives For eCommerce Brands In 2024


n the dynamic world of online retail, Shopify has undoubtedly emerged as a go-to solution for many brands, reigning supreme in the eCommerce platform space. But as the market grows, it’s becoming abundantly clear that one size does not fit all. While Shopify excels in its user-friendly interface and app-filled ecosystem, it might not cater to every brand's unique needs.

As the realm of online shopping evolves, many merchants will choose to use platforms that offer more flexibility, different pricing structures, and niche functionalities.

In this guide, we'll review some of the best Shopify alternatives, allowing eCommerce managers to weigh their options and potentially discover a platform better tailored to their brand's aspirations.

Why Would Someone Choose a Shopify Alternative?

In the sprawling bazaar of the online world, Shopify stands tall as an established market leader. Its ubiquity and popularity are hard to dispute. But every brand, much like every individual, has its own unique approach. And, while Shopify has worked wonders for many, there are specific reasons why brands might look towards Shopify alternatives.

Let’s unpack these reasons:

Personalization and Unique Brand Experience:

Every brand aims to stand out from its competition, carving a distinct identity that's uniquely its own. While Shopify provides a formidable set of tools to create an online store, its templated approach can sometimes feel limiting.However, the very streamlinedness of it can sometimes be its Achilles' heel. Some brands yearn for a deeper level of personalization that allows their store to feel genuinely unique. The experience, the interface, the user journey—every element speaks volumes about a brand, and some platforms might offer a broader canvas to paint this picture more vividly.

Budget and Financial Considerations:

Budget is a key component when choosing an eCommerce platform. Shopify offers a tiered pricing model which, while comprehensive, might not align with every brand's budgetary constraints or value expectations. Some startups and smaller ventures might find Shopify's pricing a bit steep, especially when you factor in the costs of additional plugins and third-party apps.On the other end of the spectrum, large enterprises might be looking for more intricate features bundled in their plans rather than piecing together multiple paid solutions. By exploring alternatives, businesses might stumble upon platforms that offer more competitive pricing, inclusive features, or simply a better return on investment.

Specific Functionalities and Niche Features:

The world of eCommerce is vast and varied. A brand selling handcrafted jewelry has different needs than one dropshipping tech gadgets. Shopify, in all its grandeur, sometimes lacks specific functionalities or specialized tools that cater to various business models. While the platform's expansive App Store provides a plethora of third-party solutions, some brands might prefer platforms where these tools are natively integrated.Consider, for instance, a brand looking for robust B2B functionalities or another requiring intricate subscription models. While Shopify can accommodate these needs through additional apps, some Shopify alternatives might offer these features straight out of the box.

Platform Ecosystem and Community:

The value of a platform is not just in its software but also in its surrounding ecosystem. Shopify boasts a bustling community and a vast app marketplace. But for some brands, the appeal might lie in smaller, more tight-knit communities where developers and users collaborate closely, sharing bespoke solutions and industry-specific advice.Some Shopify alternatives might also have more proactive forums, extensive documentation, or even user-driven feature development.

Scalability and Future-proofing:

While Shopify is built to handle a wide range of business sizes, there might be concerns about how it scales for exceptionally large enterprises or how adaptable it is to future innovations. Brands need to stay steps ahead, anticipating growth and the changes in the digital landscape.Some alternatives might provide more robust solutions for scalability, ensuring that as the brand grows, the platform can handle increased traffic, sales, and product listings without a hitch.

In essence, Shopify’s dominance in the eCommerce realm is undeniable, but the quest for the perfect platform is deeply individual. It's about aligning a brand's goals, budget, and vision with a platform that feels like an extension of the brand itself. The beauty of the digital age is that there is no shortage of Shopify alternatives to choose from.

So, it's about finding that sweet spot—where functionality meets vision, and innovation meets budget.

What To Look for From Shopify Alternatives

When diving into the vast ocean of Shopify alternatives, it's easy to get swept up in the wave of options. However, it's paramount to keep your lifejacket of essential features on to ensure you don't drown in regret later on. Here are the lifebuoys to cling to:

Ease of Use:

The ease of using an eCommerce platform is the cornerstone of its efficiency. Think of this as the foundation of your online store. If the platform feels too cumbersome, or like you're trying to decode an ancient manuscript, it will naturally slow down how quickly you can improve your store.

An intuitive interface ensures that you can quickly set up, modify, and manage your store without trudging through a quagmire of complexities. Plus, if you're spending less time troubleshooting the platform, you can focus more on customer engagement, marketing, and, essentially, selling.


Your brand is not just another brick in the wall, and neither should your online store be. Customization goes beyond mere aesthetics. It encompasses how well you can mold the platform to fit your brand's DNA, from the shopping experience you offer to the workflows you set up in the backend. Can you add custom codes? Can you tweak the checkout process? Can you set up custom URL structures? Hint — not with Shopify, you can't.

The more you can personalize, the more unique your store becomes in a sea of competitors. This feature ensures that your brand retains its identity while offering a unique shopping experience tailored to your audience. If you're going to make the move to one of these Shopify alternatives, then make sure your chosen platform is capable of bringing your vision to life.


Today's small business could be tomorrow's industry titan. Scalability is about future-proofing. It's the platform's ability to gracefully handle your brand's growth, from increased traffic spikes during sales to an expanding product catalog as you diversify.

You don’t want to find yourself having to migrate to a new platform just because your current one can’t keep up with your brand's meteoric rise. A scalable platform will grow with you, accommodating both your immediate and future needs. Luckily, all of the Shopify alternatives we cover below should be able to handle your growth.

Payment Gateways:

Money matters. How you collect it, even more so. An eCommerce platform should offer a variety of payment gateways, catering to a wide range of customer preferences. From credit cards and PayPal to digital wallets and even cryptocurrencies, the easier you make it for customers to pay, the smoother the checkout process becomes.

Furthermore, these gateways should be secure, ensuring that customer data is always protected, fostering trust, and encouraging repeat purchases.

Marketing & SEO:

A stellar online store that's hidden from the world is akin to a state-of-the-art theater with no audience. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools ensure your store ranks higher on search engines, driving organic traffic. Meanwhile, marketing features, from email campaigns to integration with social media platforms, can amplify your reach and engagement.

A robust eCommerce platform will have built-in SEO tools and seamlessly integrate with top-tier marketing solutions, making your brand more discoverable and resonant. It's worth noting that most of the Shopify alternatives we cover on this list offer better SEO performance than Shopify itself.


In the digital age, with cyber threats looming large, security isn't just a feature; it's a necessity. Your customers trust you with their data, and any breaches can not only lead to financial repercussions but also tarnish your brand's reputation irrevocably. Look for platforms with SSL certificates, regular security patches, and stringent data protection measures. It's not just about protecting transactions but also safeguarding user data, ensuring that your customer's trust is never breached.

Navigating the waters of eCommerce platforms can be challenging. However, by anchoring your decisions in these essential features, you ensure that your chosen platform not only meets your brand's current needs but is also well-equipped to handle future challenges and opportunities. Your store's success is deeply intertwined with the platform that powers it, making this decision all the more crucial.

The 5 Best Shopify Alternatives For eCommerce Brands

BigCommerce: A Powerhouse of Features

Source: BigCommerce

BigCommerce, as its name suggests, isn’t just another player in the eCommerce realm. It’s designed for big dreams, big ambitions, and, of course, big sales. As a leading SaaS eCommerce platform, BigCommerce has carved a niche for itself by offering an expansive suite of built-in features and tools, ensuring brands can launch, promote, manage, and scale their online stores seamlessly.


  • Built-In Features: Unlike some Shopify alternatives that rely heavily on third-party apps, BigCommerce packs a punch with its wide array of native features. This means businesses can save significantly on app subscriptions, with tools like coupons, discounts, and customer groups already integrated.
  • Flexibility for Developers: With its open API, BigCommerce is a playground for developers. Brands can customize the store to their heart's content, ensuring their platform is as unique as their vision.
  • Multi-Channel Selling: With BigCommerce, you're not just restricted to your online store. It facilitates selling across multiple channels, from Amazon and eBay to Facebook and Instagram, all managed from a centralized dashboard.
  • Excellent Uptime and Performance: Slow-loading stores are a sales repellent. BigCommerce boasts a stellar uptime, ensuring customers always get a swift and smooth shopping experience.


  • Complexity for Newbies: Its wealth of features can be a double-edged sword. For those new to eCommerce, the platform might initially feel a tad overwhelming. There's a learning curve involved, albeit a worthwhile one.
  • Pricing Model: BigCommerce uses a unique pricing model wherein if you exceed a certain sales threshold in a year, you're automatically upgraded to a higher plan. While this model aligns with business growth, some brands might prefer more predictable monthly expenses.
  • Themes: While BigCommerce offers a decent range of free and premium themes, the variety might seem limited compared to some of its competitors, potentially nudging brands towards custom development.

Compared to Shopify:

BigCommerce is often viewed as the biggest of the Shopify alternatives — like they are two titans clashing in the eCommerce arena. While Shopify's ecosystem and ease of use are its major selling points, BigCommerce shines with its comprehensive built-in features, reducing dependency on external apps.

For brands that aim to scale rapidly without constantly juggling third-party integrations, BigCommerce can be a viable alternative to Shopify. Its multi-channel selling capabilities also give it an edge for brands that want to cast a wider net across various platforms.

Wix: Simplifying eCommerce with Creativity

Source: Wix

Wix isn't just another name in the web-building scene; it's synonymous with simplicity and creative freedom. Traditionally known for its drag-and-drop website builder, Wix has gradually and impressively evolved into a reliable eCommerce solution. Aimed at both beginners and those with a penchant for design, Wix ensures that creating an online store is both fun and functional.


  • Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Builder: At the heart of Wix lies its renowned drag-and-drop editor. This makes crafting a store more of an artistic endeavor than a technical chore. You have the freedom to place elements anywhere, giving you creative control over your storefront.
  • Variety of Templates: Wix boasts an extensive range of professionally designed templates that are not only responsive but also tailored for various industries. It ensures that brands have a head start in design, resonating with their niche audience.
  • Wix ADI: For those who want a quick store setup, Wix's Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI) crafts a site based on a few simple questions. It's like having a personal designer at your beck and call.
  • Cost-Effective: Wix offers a competitive pricing structure, especially for startups and small businesses. It provides substantial value, especially when considering the design freedom and included hosting.


  • Scalability Concerns: While Wix is fantastic for small to medium-sized businesses, it might face challenges handling larger stores with thousands of products or huge traffic surges.
  • Limited Advanced eCommerce Features: When compared to heavyweights like BigCommerce, Wix might fall a bit short in terms of advanced eCommerce functionalities. Brands aiming for complex integrations might need to look elsewhere.
  • Template Restrictions: Once you choose a template with Wix and start editing, switching to a different template requires rebuilding your site. This can be cumbersome for brands that wish to refresh their design frequently.

Compared to Shopify:

When stacking Shopify alternatives, it's evident that Wix caters to a slightly different audience. While Shopify vs. Wix is a debate often heard, Shopify's clear focus is eCommerce, providing a depth of online retail features. Wix, on the other hand, prioritizes design flexibility and user experience.

For brands that prioritize aesthetics, want a seamless website builder, and have a relatively smaller product catalog, Wix is an enticing choice. It's perfect for those who want to blend content-rich sites with a functional online store.

Overall, Wix is a beacon for brands that desire a harmonious blend of creativity and commerce. While it might not cater to enormous enterprises, its capabilities are more than sufficient for small to medium ventures, allowing them to craft a unique digital space without breaking the bank. If you'd like to learn more, check out our article on Wix Dropshipping.

Squarespace: Crafting Elegant eCommerce Experiences

Source: Squarespace

Squarespace, often celebrated for its sleek and sophisticated design templates, has cemented itself as a go-to for brands that prioritize aesthetics alongside functionality. Primarily recognized as a website builder, Squarespace's foray into the eCommerce sphere has been marked by the same commitment to clean, responsive, and visually appealing designs, making online shopping a genuinely immersive experience.


  • Stunning Design Templates: If there's one thing Squarespace is universally acclaimed for, it's their design ethos. The platform offers a curated selection of modern, mobile-responsive templates that elevate any brand's online presence, making a lasting impression on visitors.
  • Unified Platform: Beyond its eCommerce capabilities, Squarespace provides a holistic web solution. From blogging tools to email marketing campaigns, everything is under one roof, ensuring a cohesive brand experience.
  • Easy Inventory Management: Squarespace simplifies the back-end experience. Adding products, tracking inventory, and managing orders is a breeze, making it suitable for eCommerce newcomers.
  • Built-in Analytics: To understand your audience is to grow. Squarespace's in-built analytics provide insightful data on sales, traffic, and user behavior, helping brands fine-tune their strategies.


  • Limited Extension Marketplace: Unlike some of the other Shopify alternatives on this list, Squarespace doesn't boast an expansive app or extension marketplace. While it does integrate with some third-party tools, the scope is relatively limited.
  • Transaction Fees: On some of the lower-tier plans, Squarespace charges transaction fees. This can eat into margins for smaller businesses, nudging them to consider higher-priced plans.
  • Less Intuitive Than Peers: While Squarespace is user-friendly, there's a slight learning curve compared to platforms like Wix. Some features and customizations aren't immediately apparent, requiring a bit of exploration.

Compared to Shopify:

Squarespace and Shopify serve the same purpose but take different paths. While Shopify is a powerhouse, tailormade for intricate eCommerce operations, Squarespace blends the art of beautiful design with commerce functionality.

For brands whose primary focus is not just selling but also storytelling, and who desire a platform that seamlessly integrates website content with commerce, Squarespace stands out. Its template designs are arguably more refined, catering to brands that want their online store to resonate like a digital art gallery.

In summary, Squarespace is the muse for brands that believe in the confluence of design and commerce. It's especially apt for businesses that are as keen on curating a visual narrative as they are on selling products, ensuring that every visitor's journey is both engaging and enticing.

WooCommerce: The Open-Source Powerhouse

Source: WooCommerce

WooCommerce isn't just an eCommerce solution; it's a community-driven force. As a free, open-source plugin for WordPress, WooCommerce has transformed countless standard websites into fully functional online stores. Its open-source nature ensures flexibility and customizability, making it an ideal pick for brands that want full control over every aspect of their digital commerce journey.


  • Deep Customization: The real beauty of WooCommerce lies in its boundless customizability. Being open-source, businesses can tweak, transform, and tailor every aspect to fit their vision, making their store truly unique.
  • Vast Plugin Ecosystem: Tapping into the rich WordPress plugin ecosystem, WooCommerce enjoys access to thousands of plugins. Whether it's SEO tools, marketing integrations, or specialized features, there's likely a plugin for it.
  • Cost-Effective: At its core, WooCommerce is free. While there are costs associated with hosting and premium plugins, the initial low barrier to entry is a boon for startups and small businesses on a budget.
  • Huge Community & Resources: Given its widespread popularity, WooCommerce boasts a massive community. This translates to a wealth of tutorials, forums, and resources that can aid in troubleshooting or optimization.


  • Requires Technical Know-How: Unlike some SaaS platforms, setting up WooCommerce can demand a bit of technical expertise, especially for customizations or when dealing with potential conflicts between plugins.
  • Maintenance Responsibility: With WooCommerce, you're at the helm. This means you're responsible for updates, security, and backups, which can be daunting for some.
  • Speed & Performance: As WooCommerce is a plugin, its performance can sometimes be influenced by other plugins, the WordPress theme used, or hosting quality. It necessitates regular monitoring to ensure optimal speed.

Compared to Shopify:

Drawing a line between WooCommerce and Shopify is akin to comparing freedom with convenience. Shopify, as an all-in-one solution, handles everything from hosting to security, making the process streamlined. WooCommerce, on the other hand, hands the reins over to you. It's the embodiment of flexibility but demands a more hands-on approach.

For brands that already harness the power of WordPress and desire the freedom to craft their store without any constraints, WooCommerce is an enticing prospect. Moreover, the cost dynamics between WooCommerce's self-hosted nature and Shopify's monthly subscription can be a deciding factor for many.

In essence, WooCommerce is a great Shopify alternative for the adventurous, — for brands that see their online store as a constant project, always evolving, always improving. It's for those who desire control, even if it means rolling up their sleeves and diving deep into the digital trenches. If you'd like to learn more, then check out our guide on WooCommerce dropshipping!

Shoplazza: The Emerging Challenger in eCommerce

Source: Shoplazza

Shoplazza, though newer to the eCommerce scene, is rapidly making waves. Its claim to fame is its emphasis on adaptability, scalability, and serving a global audience. With a suite of tools designed for the modern entrepreneur, Shoplazza is positioning itself as a versatile option for businesses of all sizes, from budding startups to sprawling enterprises.


  • Multi-Language Support: Catering to a global market requires versatility in language. Shoplazza excels here, offering support for multiple languages, making international expansion smoother for brands.
  • Integrated Payment Gateways: Shoplazza simplifies transactions by seamlessly integrating with a variety of popular payment gateways. This ensures customers have a frictionless checkout experience.
  • Robust Dropshipping Features: For those keen on the dropshipping model, Shoplazza has a strong suite. The platform's dropshipping capabilities make it a top contender for those looking to quickly onboard products and suppliers.
  • Adaptable Themes: Shoplazza’s design templates are not only visually appealing but also highly adaptable. Brands can easily mold their online storefront to resonate with their unique identity.


  • Newer Player: Being relatively new, Shoplazza doesn't yet have the vast community or the extensive third-party app ecosystem that some established platforms boast.
  • Learning Curve: While Shoplazza is user-friendly, first-time users might need a bit of time to navigate and utilize all its features to their fullest.
  • Limited Advanced Integrations: While Shoplazza covers the basics splendidly, it might fall short for businesses that require very niche or advanced third-party integrations.

Compared to Shopify:

Setting Shoplazza against Shopify is an intriguing matchup. Shopify, with its established reputation and extensive feature set, is a Goliath. However, Shoplazza, with its keen focus on globalization and dropshipping, offers unique advantages, especially for brands aiming for a wide-reaching audience. The integrated dropshipping features in Shoplazza make it a fascinating choice for businesses keen on this model, possibly offering a more streamlined experience than some Shopify plugins.

In conclusion, Shoplazza is like a promising novel with chapters still being written. Its commitment to global commerce and dynamic feature set makes it a platform worth watching. For businesses keen on harnessing emerging trends and tools, Shoplazza might just be the right fit.

Magento: The Heavyweight in Customizable eCommerce

Source: Adobe Commerce

Magento, also known as Adobe Commerce, stands tall as one of the most powerful and customizable Shopify alternatives out there. Targeted predominantly at medium to large enterprises, Magento is a feature-rich solution that offers unparalleled depth in terms of customization and scalability. Its modular architecture allows businesses to craft a digital storefront that aligns precisely with their vision and operational needs.


  • Highly Scalable: Magento is built for growth. Whether a business is processing hundreds or millions of transactions, Magento can handle it all without breaking a sweat.
  • Extensive Feature Set: Out of the box, Magento comes loaded with a plethora of features. From advanced SEO tools to intricate customer segmentation, it’s a powerhouse in the true sense.
  • Vast Extension Marketplace: Magento's extension marketplace is vast. Businesses can tap into thousands of plugins to add specific functionalities, integrate third-party services, or enhance their store's performance.
  • Robust Security Features: With its Enterprise version, Magento offers a suite of robust security features and dedicated patches, ensuring that businesses and their customers are shielded from threats.


  • Complexity: Magento’s strength can sometimes be its weakness for those without technical expertise. The platform can be complex and might require dedicated developers to set up and manage.
  • Costly: While there’s a free version (Magento Open Source), the Enterprise version, which boasts the full range of features and support, comes with a significant price tag.
  • Hosting is on You: Unlike hosted solutions, Magento requires businesses to secure their hosting solutions, which can be an added responsibility and cost.

Compared to Shopify:

When contrasting Magento with Shopify, it’s akin to comparing a custom-built mansion to a luxury apartment. Shopify offers a streamlined, all-in-one solution, ensuring businesses can get up and running swiftly with everything they need.

Magento, however, offers a blank canvas — intricate and demanding, but limitless in potential. For businesses that have specific operational needs, or those planning extensive scaling in the future, Magento’s customization depth can be invaluable. That said, it often requires a dedicated team or expert to harness its full potential, in contrast to Shopify’s more intuitive setup.

In wrapping, Magento is the choice for those seeking no compromises — a platform where the boundaries are set only by one's imagination and technical prowess. It’s an investment in both time and money, but for those who venture, it promises unparalleled digital commerce capabilities.

Finding Your Perfect Match

Navigating the vast world of eCommerce platforms can feel a touch overwhelming. Each of these Shopify alternatives, as we’ve uncovered, comes with its unique set of strengths, quirks, and potential challenges. While Shopify continues to be a major player, these Shopify alternatives each present compelling reasons for consideration.

Your choice boils down to your business's specific needs, technical expertise, growth projections, and, of course, budget. Are you in search of a platform that offers a straightforward, all-inclusive package? Or perhaps you’re on the lookout for a blank canvas that can be crafted and molded to your every whim? The options are vast and varied.

As you ponder your next steps, it’s worth noting that we at DropCommerce have you covered, regardless of your chosen platform. Whether you're on Shopify, BigCommerce, Wix, or the emerging contender, Shoplazza — you can integrate with DropCommerce seamlessly. We're committed to aiding your business in delivering quality products with ease and efficiency.

Side note — If you're considering Shopify alternatives because you're not enjoying developing your dropshipping store, check out our prebuilt Shopify stores. They might be the shortcut you've been looking for!

In the end, remember that the digital realm is ever-evolving. Today's decisions shape tomorrow's outcomes. Whichever of these Shopify alternatives you choose, ensure it aligns with your vision for the future. Your online store isn’t just a sales channel; it’s a representation of your brand, your values, and your commitment to your customers.

Choose wisely, and here’s to your eCommerce success!

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Written By:
Zennen Leggett

Zennen Leggett has been working with DropCommerce for years, and has generated over millions of impressions through his articles. When he isn’t writing about dropshipping, he is likely building Facebook ad campaigns for DTC brands while sipping an ice latte. You can learn more about him on

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